Mrs. Borchert's
Art Class
RESPECT: The student is the highest priority in the classroom and as my highest priority for classroom management, I always keep in mind that students have a basic right to learn with out being disrupted by others. Therefore, students are expected to be respectful to the teacher and to other students. They are also expected to show respect for the property of others, the classroom and themselves. You could break respect down into basic rules, such as, ‘no talking when the teacher is talking’, ‘no making fun of others’ projects’ etc, but expectation number one is: Respect others, yourself and property.
BE PREPARED AND PRODUCTIVE: My second expectation is for students to come to class prepared so that they can work to their highest potential. Tied in with this expectation is that students are expected to be productive during the entire class period.
BE SAFE: There are many things in the art room that can cause injury or could make you sick (e.g. different paints, exacto knives). Because of this, the last, but equally important expectation is that students practice safety with the materials and the equipment in the art room at all times.
INTERESTING LESSONS: In addition to expectations of students, I place the expectation on myself as a teacher to always create lessons and provide learning materials which are stimulating, meet the student’s needs and push the students to be the best that they can be. I expect my lessons and teaching methods to be varied and will strive to provide lessons that are relevant to the students if at all possible.
A: Always do your best
R: Respect each other
T: Take care of your supplies
I: Inside voices please
S: Stay on task
T: Turn mistakes into masterpieces
DAILY ROUTINE: I will post an "I can" statement and vocabulary words on the board each day for students see as soon as they enter the room. Students will wait for my instructions before they begin a project. They will be expected to clean up after themselves as well as help their classmates with cleanup if they finish early. They will also be responsible for putting away their assignments in their proper storage areas and will be excused only after the art room is cleaned up and everything is in its proper place.
BEHAVIOR: Misbehavior is disruptive to learning and teaching. It will be dealt with consistently with consequences that will be reviewed on the first day of class.
1st offense: verbal warning as well as oral statement of the rule that is being ignored.
2nd offense: Student may be moved to a different area of the room and the student's classroom teacher will informed .
3rd offense: Student's classroom teacher will be informed, the student will fill out a reflection sheet detailing what they need to improve on, and a phone call home will be made.
In my class I use the Sticker Reward System. When the class is well behaved the entire period they will earn a sticker as a whole class. Once their class row if filled with stickers the class will be rewarded with music in the class room, choice of seats,
or art games.
I also give out PAWS to students making good decisions and showing respect to others.
Reward System!

Expectations & Procedures